以「Connecting Local to Global」為信念,至晟公司於2006年7月成立後,將歐洲大型商用重車零件從原廠位於全球各地的製造或配送中心啟程,無縫接軌到台灣每一個需要維修零件的地方。我們的通路配送涵蓋全省各地,多樣且與最新車輛同步的零組件供應,讓我們成為業界可信賴的力量。
ARES 至晟貿易/ SUNWI 晟威工業秉持伴您同行的心、與時俱進的精神;和我們國際一階(Tier One)的OE原廠零組件供應夥伴,一起幫您降低營運成本,提升行車安全。不只是零件,我們也將全球最新商車科技與診斷設備導入市場。使您在專業運輸業務上,無後顧之憂。

About us
With a team dedicated to European commercial vehicle business for decades, Ares is aiming at introducing up-to -date products and knowledge to Taiwan market. To fulfill our commitments, we work closely and aggressively with our well-known partners such as SAFHOLLAND, MERITOR, BOSCH, MAHLE, ZF/WABCO, HELLA, VALEO ,Continental, C.E.I. and others.
Headquarters based in Taichung Harbor area, Ares Autoparts allocated the other seven branch offices and one workshop near ports, highway exits for customers’ easy access. Approximately seventy staff members working every day to ensure our customers receive quality parts, service and latest technology support.
Our OE business is to deal with brake system, control unit and lightings which required homologation report issued by authorities before new type approval for our trailer /bus bodybuilders and chassis manufacturers customers.
On the AM side, with thousands of line items in stock, we deliver quality parts to independent workshops through our parts outlets. Meanwhile, our workshop not only offer the advanced DPF/SCR cleaning solution which is awarded by Taichung government but also the best trailer ABS/EBS service and training provider in town.
Foreseeing the emerging European CVs demand in Taiwan, Ares is well prepared to move forward together with our solid partners in order to ensure fleets/driver owners the best validity and safe transportation.